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Visual Mission-Vision Lab
Get clear on your business mission, vision, and values

This workshop was designed for the team that wants to define and communicate the Mission of their company. You’ll walk away with a powerful Visual Mission statement to use to inspire and align your team. With a clear mission statement, you will attract the right talent and ideal customers.

You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.

- Maya Angelou

Our interactive process will help you craft a powerful verbal and visual statement that communicates who you serve and why you do what you do! In this workshop you will create your company story, highlighting your organization’s motivation and undeniable authority in your area of expertise.

After the workshop, you can choose to have our team of designers create a brand ready visual based on your mission statement and visual elements.

Workshop Details At A Glance
Is this for you?

Who It's for

A company that is excited about digging into its brand identity and recognizes the power of purpose.

What you'll get

A series of exercises that will investigate what you already know about your brand, and build upon it with what you aspire to become. We’ll work with you to create all associated collateral, over several iterations.

When & Where

This can be online or in person, and can be scoped to several different timeframes and team sizes.


We have a stable of facilitators and designers that will lead you through a series of investigations and clarifications.


Because the power of your brand is your most essential asset. The team you already have can make it stronger.


What are your values? What does your brand mean now?  What does it aspire to become?


Let’s get messy and make a whole lot of stuff together. Then we’ll let the dust settle and find the begininngs of a masterpiece.


Let us help you create powerful visuals that communicate your company’s essence.


With hard work and commitment we will find harmony across the design elements.