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Coaching With Matt

Let's do this!

When working with me as a coach, you'll pay attention to what is ALREADY working. Habits are hard to break, so we might as well take advantage of the good ones you've got. While being strengths based, we will dig in and set specific goals. These can be around specific work challenges, dealing with difficult people, working on skill building around managing a team, or working on being a more connected leader... Whatever it is you would like to focus on, we can do together. You get to set your goals, and I will keep you focused on them. Using creative exercises we'll have fun with the problems and be honest about what we have the power to change. Each session will have a bit of homework or challenge to support growth and transformation.

"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist though any other medium and be lost."

~Martha Graham


Matt has experience coaching corporate executives, small business owners, managers at all levels of organizations, social workers, artists, and TedTalk presenters. Matt applies his knowledge and creativity to help you manage your inner critic. He often utilizes concepts and principles from VIA strengths, Myers Briggs Type Indicator, and Positive Psychology. Ideally, these sessions will be scheduled weekly. There is no limit to the duration, but Matt tends to work in 6 week goal-setting chunks.