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Presentation Skills for All Leaders
Transform your public speaking

Presenting yourself and your ideas can be stressful and anxiety producing. Yet it’s one of the most important skills of any leader or team member. Join us for this skill builder and practice session for public speaking. We will take a strengths based approach, helping you build on your current presentation style. At the end, you’ll leave with a few simple action steps, as well as some tips and tricks to apply the next time you present.

You need not prepare anything prior to joining this session, however some thought about your real life and the types of speaking you do will help this session’s content become immediately applicable. Please come ready to support others working towards similar goals.



You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down.

- Toni Morrison
Workshop Details At A Glance
Is this for you?

Who It's for

Anyone who wants to increase their confidence and ability to speak in front of groups.

What you'll get

Simple, applicable principles for structuring content, attracting attention, and holding onto it once you’ve got it.


While there will be a “teaching” component to this lab, much of it will be in  smaller work groups, practicing and getting feedback.


The world deserves engaging presentations. You can change yours – simply by breaking a few habits and adding a few practices to your presentation prep.


You have your own style. We’ll help you discover what it is, and play on your strengths.


Every good story has a beginning, middle and end. SOME details add, but some distract. 


Learn new ways to reach your audience. You caring about your story helps your audience care too.


Discover how shifting a few tiny habits in your presentations can be a game changer for your career.